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A Mantra Meditation List That You Can Use Now

One of the key aspects of Mantra Meditation is the mantra given by the teacher to the student. This mantra is a word or phrase which will be continuously repeated in order to create the meditative state where the student is able to transcend the limitations of the mind.

How To Practice Heart Rhythm Meditation: The Need To Know Steps

Heart Rhythm Meditation

Heart breathing meditation is an incredible powerful form of meditation. Thankfully it also one of the easiest to learn. It is advised that at some point you receive direct instruction for this type of meditation, as there are complexities to the technique that are difficult to learn by yourself. But, when you are starting out […]

Introduction To Heart Rhythm Meditation

Heart Rhythm Meditation

Heart Rhythm Meditation is quite simply heart centered breathing. The practices teaches you how to train your heartbeat and your breathing so that they work together. This practice has been proven to improve the spiritual, emotional and physical well being of its practitioners. Below you can find out more about Heart Rhythm Meditation and how […]

How To Practice Guided Meditation The Techniques And Approaches

How To Practice Guide Meditation The Techniques

Guided meditation is divided into two primary types – Individual and Group guided meditation. Both types of meditation are effective and so choosing one or the other is really a matter of personal preference. Attending a group meditation class has a number of benefits including getting direct instruction and help with your session. If you […]

Introduction to Guided Visualization Meditation

Guided Mediation doesn't require experience or skill

Guided meditation is one of the most effective ways to eliminate stress and to make powerful changes in your life. In a guided meditation session the meditator is guided to a state of inner stillness and deep calm. They meditator can be lead either by a live instructor or by a recorded audio track. Below you […]

How To Do Kundalini Meditation Now: Learning the steps

Overview Of A Kundalini

Kundalini is designed to be performed in a class environment under direction from a spiritual teacher. Kundalini’s teachings suggest that it is dangerous for a practitioner to attempt to practice Kundalini meditation without proper guidance. They believe that the practitioner may experience emotional, physical and mental turmoil as a result. With that said, below you […]

Introduction To Kundalini Meditation For Beginners

kundalini meditation for beginners : Ancient practice

This Introduction to Kundalini Meditation is for  Beginners. So what is  Kundalini meditation Mr. Self Help robot? Kundalini  is a complete system which combines elements of yoga, prayer, breathing exercises, and physical postures. Through the process of Kundalini meditation the individual and universal consciousness is able to become one. Unlike some other forms of meditation, Kundalini […]

How to do Zazen Meditation: The Technique

Zazen Meditation: Choosing a Position

Zazen allows the practitioner to calm the body and mind and gain insight into the true nature of existence. This is achieved through the practice of seated meditation. Zazen is a very accessible form of meditation that can be practiced by anybody. Below you will find a step by step guide so that you can […]

Introduction to Zazen the Seated meditation

Introduction to Zazen : Sitting

Zazen is a Japanese word which literally means “seated meditation”. It is a practice which is central to the school of Zen Buddhism. Through Zazen the disciple is able to calm their body and mind. This allows them to create insight into the true nature of existence or what is called the Buddha nature. What […]

How To Do Vipassana Meditation Technique: A Step by Step Look At The Instructions

How To Do Vipassana Meditation at Home

The techniques and understandings of Vipassana are taught during a ten day residential retreat. During this time the student not speak, accept to the teachers and facilitators of the retreat. As you will see below attending a Vipassana retreat is crucial to developing a proper understanding of this meditative method and to be able to […]