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Kundalini is designed to be performed in a class environment under direction from a spiritual teacher. Kundalini’s teachings suggest that it is dangerous for a practitioner to attempt to practice Kundalini meditation without proper guidance. They believe that the practitioner may experience emotional, physical and mental turmoil as a result.

With that said, below you can find an over view of how Kundalini meditation is practiced in a class along with advice for improving your Kundalini meditation. It is recommended that you use this knowledge only as a guideline and that if you are interested in the practice that you consult with a Kundalini teacher.

Overview Of A Kundalini Class

Overview Of A Kundalini
By: dMap Travel Guide
Overview Of A Kundalini

Kundalini one of the most formalized forms of meditation with each class made up of six different components. A typical Kundalini class will last about 90 minutes. Each class begin with the Adi mantra. The class then moves to the paranayama (warmup) which lasts about five minutes. The paranyama is followed by the kriya which takes about 35 to 40 minute. The kriya are exercises which improve the health and prepare the practitioner for the meditation. This is followed by the meditation itself. The mediation part of the class will take between 11 – 31 minutes. After the meditation there is time for relaxation and finally the blessing song.

Explanation Of The Kriya

In Kundalini meditation the kriya are specific exercises that are given by the master yogi. These can be either very brief or may involve more vigorous exercises. A typical example is the breath of fire which involves strong breathing. This kriya forces the endocrine and nervous system to work hard and strengthen themselves. Kriya push the practitioner beyond what they think they are capable of.

The Kriya are used in order to make the body ready for meditation. Kriya is designed as a way to improve the body’s health, strength and circulation. By practicing kriya a person is able to sit in mediation for longer periods of time. If you have ever performed strenuous excise you know how it is very difficult to feel stressed. Kriya calms the mind so that it is able to go into deep meditation.

How to Practice Kundalini Meditation Now

Below you will find advice about how to get the most from your Kundalini meditation immediately. By following these guidelines you will be able to achieve a deeper levels of meditation and connection.

Dress Comfortably

When practicing Kundalini meditation you need to dress comfortably. Your body must have room to move and breathe. Kundalini yogi’s recommend that you wear white as it is believed it deepens the practice.

Make Sure You Are Aligned

It is important that when you are sitting that your back is in correct alignment. Make sure that you are not slouched or leaning over. Many people find it helpful to place a pillow under their buttocks so that their tail bone is raised an inch or so off the ground. This can help to correct problems with your alignment.

Correctly Support Your Legs
Kundalini Meditation Now legs crossed
By: Daku Resort Savusavu Fiji
How to Practice Kundalini Meditation Now legs crossed

When you sit with your legs crossed and your knees in the air then you will often find that your hips are tight. Placing pillows under your knee will help to take the strain off of them. If you suffer from back problems you may want to consider sitting on a chair. If you sit on a chair make sure that you take your shoes and socks off and that your feet are flat on the ground.

The Value Of Music Or A Mantra

Many Kundalini classes will involve music or mantra. You should try and find a mantra that resonates with you and which you can find inspiration from. Also the right yoga music can make a huge difference to what you experience in the class.


Making a regular practice of Kundalini is the fastest way to get in touch with your spiritual nature. People who make Kundalini meditation a regular practice report a deeper sense of connection with the universe and humanity as a whole. Kundalini