For many, having the home of your dreams can feel like that is all it will ever be – a dream. You work hard, you pay your bills, but somehow you never have enough left over to put towards the abode you have always envisioned yourself and your family in. Despite this feeling of impossibility, I would like to outlined how you can use creative visualization\ law of attraction to help assist in attaining your dream.
To begin using law of attraction to get the home you’ve always imagined you’ll need to start with a few simple steps.
Understand your goal:
The very first thing you want to do is get a clear picture of what it is you want. There is no reason to be vague here. Don’t think “I want a house.” Instead, grab a pen and paper and write down everything you want your house to be. Remember to dream big! If you’re having trouble getting started these are a few prompts that may help:
- What type of home do you want? – For some a home is a stick-built house. For others it may be a nice apartment. Not everyone has the same wants and desire and wanting a nicer apartment isn’t less than wanting a house. Focus on the living-style that works best for you but make sure that you are focusing on what you truly want. If you’re in an apartment now but really dream of being in a house, then that should be your focus.
- Where do you want your home to be? – Maybe you live in the city now but have always dreamed of living out in the country. Now is the time to write that down. If you live in a suburb but always wanted to live in a more affluent community, or a better location for getting to work, or even just a neighborhood with lots of trees. Write it down.
- What does your new house look like? – This is the really fun part. Think about your ideal house; what is it like? Do you like big airy space? What about tons of light and walls of windows? Two story? Single story? Maybe you want a 2 car garage or a circular drive. You can get as detailed as you want. The more detailed the better since it gives you a concise focus.
Those are just a few ideas. You can carry on from there until you have mapped out your perfect home.
Think on it often:
Now that you’ve created your list you should have a clear idea of what you want. The next step is simple; think about it as often as you can. The great part is that you can do this any time. While you’re waiting in line, sitting in a nice relaxing bath, driving to and from work. Don’t think of this as work, there’s no need to try and force yourself to think of it. Think of your home in times when it feel natural and when you want to think about it.
Be Positive:
If you’re having a stressful day and using creative visualization feels like a chore, it’s ok to skip it right then. Your visualizing shouldn’t add unwanted pressure on your life. It should feel light and uplifting, not like a task. You want to pour as much positive energy into your visualizations as possible. Thinking about your future home should make you feel good. Take these great feelings and use them as a driving force.
You can even think positive statements to help. Consider speaking aloud statements like:
- I will soon have the home I’ve always wanted.
- I can see the home of my dreams waiting for me.
- I am happy and fulfilled life in my beautiful new house.
Using these types of statements should help boost your positive energy and will bring you even closer to your end goal.