In chapter six of “A New Earth” titled “Breaking Free” Echkart Tolle discusses the idea of how we can break free from the pain body. Tolle suggests that the first step to breaking free is to being aware that we actually have a pain body. When we become alert we will start to notice the influx pf negative emotion that occurs when the pain body becomes active. When you no longer identify with the pain body it cannot control your thinking or renew itself by feeding on these thoughts. This does not mean that your pain body will disappear straight away. But because you are no longer providing it energy it will eventually wither and dissolve.
Tolle tells the story of a woman in her thirties who came to visit him. While she was smiling he could tell that she was undergoing great pain. As she told her story it was revealed that she had physically violent father. Tolle instructed her that rather than trying reject the emotions that she was feeling she needed to accept that this was the way that she felt right now.
The return of the pain body
Tolle tells another story of a middle-aged man in a wheelchair who was eating at the same restaurant as him. Upon completing the mea thel middle-aged man started complaining to the waiter that is that it was no good. The man was unable to control his pain body and eventually caused pandemonium in the restaurant.
The pain body and children
Tolle states that in children the pain body will often manifest itself as withdrawal or moodiness. Even a small amount of thwarted wanting can trigger the pain body and transform a wonderful child into a little monster. Tolle points out that the collective pain body of humanity is shared by the child. The child may also have already taken on the pain body of the parents. This is particularly true of sensitive children. Even parents who choose not to argue in front of their children can still have their pain bodies sensed by the child. In order to help the child to become disidentified from the pain body parents can ask questions about the feeling that they experienced. Tolle provides a list of questions that can be asked to the child to help diminish the paying body.
Unhappiness is not always the result of the pain body. It can also be because you’re out of alignment with the present moment. The pain bodies unhappiness is neither in direct proportion to the cause. It is always an over reaction. This is why in an insignificant events can cause a large amount of frustration.
Breaking identification with the pain body
When a person has a very active pain body they emit energy that can make them unpleasant to be around. People actually feel repulsed by that person is energy field. As a result people with a very heavy pain body will often find themselves in conflict situations.
The pain body may react to a particular trigger situation. This is usually one which relates to an emotional pain that occurred in the past. Tolle gives the example of a child who grows up in a family where financial issues are a constant source of conflict. Money can then become a trigger for the pain body.
The pain body as an awakening
The pain body can distort your thinking and disrupt your relationships. The pain body can cause you to become reactive and do and say things which increase the amount of unhappiness in the world.
Breaking free of the pain body
One of the most common questions that Tolle has asked is how long does it take to become free of the pain body. He suggests that the answer depends on the individual’s pain body and the intensity of the persons arising presence. It is not the pain body itself but the identification of the which causes suffering is inflicted upon yourself and other people. Tolle suggests that when you start to feel the pain body don’t fall into the trap of thinking that there is something wrong with you. Accepting means that you allow yourself to feel what it is that you are feeling at the present moment. By allowing yourself to experience your emotions you become whole.
Don’t forget to check the other chapters on this amazing book
A New Earth By Eckhart Tolle Chapter by Chapter Summary Chapter 2: Ego The Current State of Humanity
A New Earth By Eckhart Tolle Chapter by Chapter Summary Chapter 3: The Core of Ego
A New Earth By Eckhart Tolle Chapter by Chapter Summary Chapter 5: The Pain-Body
A New Earth By Eckhart Tolle Chapter by Chapter Summary Chapter 7: Finding Who You Truly Are
A New Earth By Eckhart Tolle Chapter by Chapter Summary Chapter 8: The Discovery Of Inner Space
A New Earth By Eckhart Tolle Chapter by Chapter Summary Chapter 9: Your Inner Purpose
A New Earth By Eckhart Tolle Chapter by Chapter Summary Chapter 10: A New Earth
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